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5 Winter Furnace Myths Cracked
October 19, 2015
As winter approaches and the temperature begin to drop, homeowners will begin to revisit the myths and tricks they hear from others to reduce their heating bills and stay warm. As heating professionals, we are going to crack down these myths one by one and tell you the truth and facts.
Myth #1: Cranking that thermostat will make your home heat faster
Almost every homeowner has been here and done it – you are shivering and you crank that thermostat to its highest setting, thinking that it will warm the house quicker.
Truth: your heating system will deliver air at the same constant rate no matter how high the temperature is set. The only difference it will make is that it will run longer until it reaches the setting you have set.
Myth #2: Closing those vents and registers to reduce your heating bill
Many home owners think that by closing the vents and registers in unused rooms and areas, they will save money.
Truth: By closing off the vents and registers, the pressure is not equally distribute throughout the home, causing the heating system to work even harder to heat the home.
Myth #3: Saving money by fixing your old furnace, over and over again
In New England, furnaces run about 4200 hours a year (this is a fact!). Think about that for a second, no matter how good you take care of it, it’s still going to age after working for so many hours for years. “Frankensteining” your old, tired furnace will cost you more money than replacing it eventually.
Truth: If your furnace has lasted longer than twenty years, that’s great, but we can tell you that it isn’t going to last much longer. It’s the same logic as repairing an old car that has had many problems. The system’s fatigue will trigger damages in the furnace’s firebox, which increases the chance of carbon monoxide poisoning!
Myth #4: Installing a High-Efficiency Furnace alone will reduce heating bill significantly
Certainly, installing a new high-efficiency system will certainly help reduce your heating bill. But you shouldn’t count on it being the only contributor to help you save money.
Truth: It takes a combination of various proper insulation, such as sealing your doors, windows, attic space, plumbing pipes, duct work and any leaks and cracks. Together, the warm air produced by your efficient system will stay in and keep you warm and save you money.
Myth #5: The larger the heating system, the better
When it comes to heating and cooling systems, the bigger isn’t always the better. Some homeowners think that the larger the system is, the easier it is to warm the house up.
Truth: If the size of the system is incorrect, it will only do more harm than good. If the system is too big, it will overheat your home, resulting a higher heating bill. Be careful when choosing the contractor because some will convince homeowners to make a bigger purchase and system.