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Switching Out Your Furnace’s Air Filter
November 17, 2016
Winter will be here before we know it and that means preparing our homes for the ice cold and New England blizzards.
The team at Winters® has put together some simple steps to help you start switching out your air filter.
- Slide out the older filter. A reusable filter can easily be vacuumed and dusted off.
- If you have a new filter, make sure to install it the same way as the older filter.
- Mark both the filter and unit so you know which the direction of air flow.
Benefits of Changing Your Air Filter
An AC unit or heating system could shut down if the filter is dirty which is why it’s crucial to change it every month. When dirt accrues, the system will overheat because the airflow has stopped.
There will also be an increased amount of energy being used when the air filter is clogged. This then increases your energy bill. According to the Department of Energy, you can save up to 15% on utility costs just by regularly changing the air filter.
If you or a family member suffer from asthma or allergies, having a dirty air filter will make the symptoms much worse. Pet hair or fur can also get stuck in the system and spread allergens. Dirt that clogs in the filter can also pollute the HVAC system which leads to additional repairs, services and parts.
Replacing your filter is quite easy and quick, helping you to save money and extend the life of your furnace. Make sure to check out the minimum efficiency reporting value that range from 1 to 12. Filtration systems with a higher number work better.
Not only should you be changing your air filter each month but you should schedule a regular HVAC tuneup. Winters® Home Services has a team of licensed HVAC contractors who will check electrical connections, look for fire hazards and calibrate the thermostat. Give us a call today at 617-221-5899.