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What Are Some Ways I Can Stay Cool to Cut Down on My AC Use? – Winters® Home Services
July 22, 2017
Going to sleep in the summer isn’t as relaxing as we’d like. With the humidity in Boston it can take some time before we are finally able to rest. Using the AC might be tempting but it can boost your energy bill if you’re using it every single night.
We’ve listed some tips below to help you stay cool this summer!
- When doing outdoor work, take break and drink plenty of water
- Stick to light material clothing and avoid wearing black
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine
- Open windows before bed and turn off the AC
- Close the shades and blinds during the day
- Try to reduce your oven and dryer usage
- Distribute air throughout the home by using a fan
Don’t Turn Down the Temperature
It’s actually not advised to keep lowering the temperature as it won’t help you cool off any faster. This really just wastes energy. Try to keep the temperature at around 78 degrees during the daytime and turn it up a few degrees when you leave the house.
Making Sure Your AC Unit is Efficient
If you keep up with regular air conditioner maintenance, it won’t be using more energy than necessary. Make sure you schedule air conditioning maintenance and switch out the air filter once a month. When you notice water around the system, odd noises or the AC unit isn’t pushing out cool air, it’s time to call a professional for AC repair and replacement.