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Consider working in the trades
September 14, 2017
A path to consider–
My grandfather grew up in the depression he was really smart and knew people. He told me a story once about the depression and that only three kinds of people were working during those days. Bucky
(my grandfather) told me that only Carpenters, electricians and plumbers worked during that time. He told me if I decided to take to one of these fields of study that I would be well served and always have a job. He was right!
My grandfather’s insight
Basically, my grandfather knew me, he knew I was not a great student and would likely not be attending college and then attain a white-collar career. Because we had daily interaction as most family do my Grandfather very gently persuaded me to think along the lines of a career in the trades. Perhaps you have that same insight for someone in your family?
I was fortunate to be able to hear, accept and act on good advice. Sometimes all a young mind needs is to be gently guided towards a path.
My path
I have just celebrated my 50th year of life, it’s been a great life full of love, children, goals and dreams. I have been blessed. I think the blessing started with the talk I had with my Grandfather. I began my career at 16 as a plumber, at 24 I became a licensed journeyman then at 26 I became a Master plumber. My HS friends that went on to college graduated and immediately took on the debt of repaying student loans, at 24 I took on the debt of owning my first home in Somerville and became a landlord renting three apartments. My college graduate friends took jobs at a modest salary of 30K.
During the next few years I developed a process to buy other smaller plumbing companies and create a way for older plumbers to pass their customers on and have money to retire. I took on a partner and best friend to help grow the company, he has since passed away tragically but he is a great part of the history and success today. Geno was a college graduate and an engineer, and also started his plumbing career at a young age.
We formed a company Flynn & Cataldo Inc, we do business as Winters® Home Services located in Boston. Together we purchased 4 plumbing companies, alone I purchased an additional three. Along with three commercial buildings, two of which were sold to purchase our company HQ in Cambridge.
Today as a Plumber
Today I employ 21 full time staff and serve over 60K clients. We train and teach all of our young people on how to become independent and hopefully they too can start a business. In the past 21 years no less than 5 of our great people have started a business and are still in business today. I have been guided by many great men and women in this trade that selflessly taught the same values, no one does it alone.
We have a problem
There is a shortage of young people getting involved in the trades. Is there someone out there that you can guide to the trades? More specifically guide towards my company as a selfless plug…
A career in the trades is rewarding with the right guidance and surrounding yourself with the best people. A career in the plumbing trade leads many places. An education in customer service, serving others, working as a team, investing for the future, building one self, self education and the list goes on.
What to expect here
There are many benefits beside the ones listed above. Winters® Home Services also offers the following;
Our apprentices follow a path. They begin in the maintenance department, managed and trained by a licensed Journeyman plumber on a daily basis. Our licensed Journeyman earn $30.00 per hour or 60K with the benefits included $43.10 per hour!
Our Apprentices starting salary is 30K, ( 15 per hour) if you factor the expenses paid an hourly rate of $27.60 or $55,200.00 of total value to start!
Meet as a team- every Tuesday to discuss goals and progress
Our people travel, we send them to Arkansas to learn electrical wiring, AC controls, Heating and plumbing. All in a classroom setting, all expenses paid.
We also send our people to Los Angeles to be trained in sales ethics, again all expenses paid .
Our apprentices are registered with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
All apprentices are required to attend plumbing theory for a total of 5 years. When the candidate achieves the goal all expenses are reimbursed.
100% medical paid, blue cross and blue shield. This is for the single employee
2 Weeks’ vacation paid
Paid time off 5 days
If you know of these people kindly ask them to reach out to me, info@wintersplumbing.com I will see the message and reply directly. Thanks for reading my story.