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Crank That—Air Conditioning Maintenance Guide
May 5, 2020
You’ve read about how professionals maintain your cooling system and the importance of annual tune-ups, but what about articles on what you can do to maintain your air conditioning network? Well, today, you will have that information! CJ here, with a blog on DIY air conditioning maintenance!
Here is your guide to at-home maintenance:
Change Your Air Filters
Replacing your air filters monthly not only keeps your indoor air quality intact but also reduces system stressors, decreasing the chances of a breakdown. When your air filter is clogged or dirty, your air conditioning network has to work harder to complete cooling cycles, causing unnecessary wear and tear. The best way to keep your air conditioning system running smoothly is to change your air filters each month!
Keep Air Conditioning Coils Clean
Clear leaves and debris from on and around your unit. Your AC coils and fins on the outside of your appliance need to be kept clean, as obstructed parts can lead to additional operational burdens. To clean your unit, simply use a garden hose and a broom!
Trim Shrubbery
If you have landscaping around your unit, make sure your plants are trimmed! Encroaching plants can lead to system malfunctions.
Adjust Your Thermostat
Program your thermostat to match your schedule! This will prevent your system from overworking, increasing your cooling systems’ lifespan. When you are away, raise the temperature on your thermostat to allow your network to rest. This will optimize your energy usage and keep your system in better shape for longer!
Seal Doors & Windows
Air leaks are one of the most common reasons for inadequate cooling and high utility bills. To reduce chances of cooling loss, check your doorways and windows for compromised sealant. If you notice gaps around either, use weatherstripping around your doors and caulking around your windows to restore an air-tight perimeter.
If you encounter an issue beyond the list above, contact Winters Home Services at 617-221-5899. We are open and here to address your cooling needs. With CDC sanitary guidelines implemented, we can provide safe and healthy care to all of our customers.