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Best A/C for Your Basement | Winters® Home Services
April 13, 2021
Most houses that include basements are usually much older homes. Because of this, it is important to preserve the structure of the house. Installing a new HVAC system for central air in your basement could involve the demolition of walls and reconstruction of air tunnels. Therefore, you should look elsewhere when trying to find the right option for A/C within your finished basement. Two practical solutions for A/C in your basement include the installation of a ductless mini-split system or the addition of a dehumidifier. Let’s explore both of these propositions and the benefits they offer.
Ductless Mini-Split System
Given that basements are below the foundation of your house, it’s common for these spaces to not be included in the zoning of a central air system. However, with the installation of a ductless mini-split system, your basement could be cooled off in a very efficient manner. Unlike a central air system, a ductless mini-split system requires just a small pipe that runs from an outdoor unit to an air handler located in your basement. This direct airflow is ideal for basements due to the nature of zoning. Most basements aren’t divided by large walls, so a ductless mini-split system will not only cool off the entire room but it can also do so very quickly.
Another advantage of having a ductless mini-split system is the amount of energy it saves. Since it’s channeling air through a pipe connected from outside, the system can cool off the air without a large amount of air flowing through the vents. Once the system is mounted on your basement wall it will make very little noise and you’ll be able to notice a difference in minutes.
For more information regarding the types of ductless mini-split systems that best suit a basement, click here.
Depending on the surroundings of your basement, it’s possible humidity is a major issue. Since these storage rooms are located below the ground, basements tend to collect a lot of moisture. This can make for a sweaty experience when you’re trying to enjoy a fully furnished basement. Think about the difference humidity makes – 80 degrees and dry versus 75 degrees and humid feels like an enormous contrast in climate. So, what’s the solution? Well, it could be as simple as installing a dehumidifier and nothing else. Depending on the average summer temperatures of your basement, a dehumidifier could solve the majority of your issues.
Plus, not only will a dehumidifier make the air in your basement more bearable, but it could also help prevent the growth of mold and mildew. With most basements experiencing humidity levels over 80%, a dehumidifier is crucial to maintaining a dry space.
Solutions Beyond a Basement
While not everyone has a basement, a lot of people have a room they keep handy for storage or guests, such as an attic or detached in-law suite. Because these rooms aren’t connected to the central air system, they could benefit from a ductless mini-split or dehumidifier. The best way to assess whether you could benefit from these A/C alternatives is to think about hot and cold spots throughout your spare rooms.
Act Today Before Summer Arrives
Summer will be here before you know it. It’s important to assess the situation of your fully furnished basement or spare storage room. With high temperatures on the way, it’s important to prepare before it’s too late. For more information regarding basement air solutions, be sure to contact Winters® Homer Services. We offer same-day appointments, so you can start your road to cooler air now!